Punderson State Park Lodge


Punderson State Park Lodge

The Punderson State Park Lodge is a well-known nature and hospitality destination in northeast Ohio. Located in Newbury, this project included an in-depth assessment of the building envelope and the replacement of the exterior pool house rooftop patio.

To evaluate the building’s envelope, Domokur Architects pored over multiple sets of existing physical documents and compiled extensive photo documentation of current conditions.  With the help of The Ruhlin Company (acting as CMR on this project) drone footage was acquired to help determine immediate needs of chimney elements quickly and safely. The team also assessed all elements adjacent to and integral with masonry conditions. Once the review was complete, Domokur Architects developed a matrix of all the needs and conditions and assigned appropriate repair priorities and costs.

Work on site took place during the fall and winter of 2020 with a final completion date set for April of 2021. Our team completed extensive photo documentation for the Owner’s archives as well as for use on bid documents to assist the contractor in understanding the scope. Unlike some repair work completed in the past by others, repair methodologies employed by Domokur Architects remained appropriate to historic details and will help to extend the life of the existing structures.

Lastly, Domokur Architects provided the Owner with a living document of repairs and replacements completed for use in scheduling future on-going maintenance.

In addition to the projects noted above, the construction of the Law Enforcement and Maintenance Office at Indian Lake State Park was completed in early December 2020.
